Friday, September 30, 2011

New scam on time sharing

A consumer shared this story with me. He bought a time sharing unit several years ago. The marketing company disappeared after collecting $7,000 from him. He wrote off the loss.

Recently, he was contacted by a service company who claimed to act for the developer. The told him that he had outstanding service payments on his time sharing unit and that the unit had some residual value. He was convinced to pay the fee to this service company to terminate the contract and claim back what was due to him.

After paying the service fee, he did some research and found that the service company was not connected with the developer. He had been scammed again.

Consumers should be careful and not attend presentations or meet people that they do not know. There are too many scams happening around. Some Singaporeans are easy targets due to their naivety.


  1. When Jiang Tai Gong goes fishing, he usually knows where to find the best spot to catch his fish.

    Similarly, the con men knows where to find his potential victims.

    Some though will cast their nets wide by advertising even in our main papers. When they cast their nets this way, beware. No fish, they will eat the prawns too.

  2. My friend was confronted with a similar situation a few years ago.

    I advised my friend to stand firm.
    And we told the company to write a letter to state explicitly what are the alleged outstanding claims against my friend.

    We never heard from them again.

    Never hand over cash without first getting it in writing - what it is you are paying for.

  3. He should have got the other person to sign that they would not claim each other... Thought that was the practice?

  4. Thanks for putting this up in your blog. I've posted an article too @
    in hope of alerting the public.

  5. Well, you know the old adage: "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me."
