Friday, September 16, 2011

Why employers prefer to employ foreigners

Dear Mr. Tan,
There are a few reason that companies like foreigners than singaporean. A lot have been pointed out - just name a few here.
1) lower cost for compaines
2) no ns liability
3) foreigner willing to work longer hours
But I think the main reason is employment agnecy. The facts is that if the companies wanted to employ a staff, they would out source to the employment agency to get the employment done. But here is the different, employer do not need to pay the employment agency to hire if they get the foreigner as foreigner pays thousands of dollars to comes to singapore to work. If the employer wants to get a singaporean to work, then they have to pay for the services rendered by the agency - up to 1 month of the pay.
Solutions: Government should pass a law that required  all employer to pay the agency a fix amount of dollars to employment agency if they engaged their services. And all successfully employed person have to pay up to a month of their salary to the agency as well (can be pay in installment) . Thus this two combination works out to be almost the same income for the agency, which they would switch their mindset to get singaporean employed.
What is your view on this, Mr Tan.



  1. 46 years after 1965 independence.

    46 years of reciting the National Pledge.

    And how much does it take for a Singapore employer to sell out his fellow Singaporean?
    One month's salary

  2. Heard that employment Agencies give cash incentive to Employers to hire their foreign applicants.
    A form of kick back under the table?

  3. Yujuan,
    it is true that the agencies share the spoil with the employers.. it is like looting the workers.

  4. still will not work as hiring managers get "incentives" for hiring foreigners by agencies. Your suggestion to give them one month pay will only sweeten the deal. Company spent more and hiring manager and agency can split the extra money.

  5. To prevent employment agencies to be involved in any under-table money in the processes of hiring foreigners, all employment agencies must have their full accounts 100% certified (more stringent than annual audit) by 2 different independent firms every year.

    Directors and managers of employment agencies must be strongly punished with mandatory minimum of 5 years jail when they are proven to be involved in any wrong doings of any under-table money in the processes of hiring foreigners.

    The above is to ensure the practice of employment agencies in hiring industry is clean and fair.

  6. This is a very bad practice. Almost liken to corruption in Singapore society being tolerated. I believe the practice is quite rampant, especially at sites with very high foreign labor concentrations such as shipyards, construction sites.

    Could the CAD (Commercial Affairs Department) do something to stem this evil? I believe they can if they wanted to.

    I also would like to see the Govt implement more innovative and acceptable solutions instead of relying on the easy-way-out solutions. This country is getting far too crowded and uncomfortable to live in. Even the shit is oozing out of the pipes at Ion Orchard luxury stores and at Tangs Plaza, Orchard Road. Two years in a row, and incident rate up 100%.

    It's a bad omen for Singapore. The divine warnings has sounded, first with rain-water flooding Orchard Road and now with shit water flooding iconic landmarks.

  7. PAP and their cronies will say if you all are not happy can always migrate. LOL

  8. Let me share with you the Swiss approach. Any employer wishing to employ a foreigner needs to prove with documents and a period of say 3 months of futile searching amongst local people, before they are granted a company-sponsored work permit. Each company also has a percent quota for foreigner ratios to locals, like 20%. For other specialist jobs requiring foreigners, it is a case by case scrutiny.
    I read with disgust the proposals here, all linked with paying money and paying money again and again. Singaporeans only know how to solve with money.


  9. Our Pap ministers have no experience dealing with crooked foreigners as they asre white as white and so cannot understand what it takes to be corrupted. In these foreign lands, they have vast experience in corruption and knows how to escape detection. So the Pap govt assume all are as honest as them and did not know what is hitting Singapore, they only think of the good side and expect foreigners to be like them. So the Vision and the implementation are poles apart and if this continues, they will have to pay for all these ignorance but the citizens get hit first. The foreigners are the ones to benefit from all these ignorance and over time PAP will become labelled as FAP.
