Saturday, October 29, 2011

FISCA Financial Planning Workshop on 29 October

The workshop on 29 October was well attended with over 30 people, mostly young people. The participants told me that the talk made them more aware about the good and bad financial products and was very useful to them. I asked them go get their friends and parents to attend the next talk, which will be held monthly. It is important that they make the right financial decision and avoid giving away a lot of money on bad products.

Several participants said that they came especially to hear my talk! They must have got the recommendations from their friends!

More details of future workshops can be found at Register early!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Tan

    Thank you for such an informative session earlier.
    I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt alot from you and Mr Ling today.

    Hope to attend more similar workshops in the future.

    Have a good weekend.
