Friday, October 14, 2011

Remaining anonymous

I suggested in my Facebook that people should give their views with their names, rather than anonymously. Walter Oh replieed:

 "This is not any ordinary state, the regime here is hypocrite to the core. They may laugh/smile at face value, but behind your back, planning otherwise ... Under such climate. it is better for people to remain annonymous, until a day, where Singapore is really democratic, and the regime willing to listen to alternative voices ... Take the recent President election as an example, why must Singaporeans vote for PAP sanctioned candidate, the brain washed electorate here cannot even distinguish between sincere people willing to go the extra mile from those who just want to keep/maintain status quo ... End up, who's at the losing end, Singaporeans ..."


  1. I'd tend to agree with Walter Oh.

    American culture is not so encouraging of annonymous posting. But ....

    American culture encourages every person to stand up and fight for their own beliefs. And they have laws that protect those rights. Including the right to bear arms.

  2. Do not forget TKL's H5 values. One of them is 'COURAGE'. When we say and do the right things, nothing bad will happen to us. We must have 'FAITH'.

  3. If we dare not even use our own name, what's the point of posting any views?

    Who will listen to anyone who is not willing to take responsibility for what he says and do?

    Jared Seah
