Sunday, October 23, 2011

Singaporeans are reluctant to protest

Signaporeans are reluctant to protest. They generally do not care, if some bad things happen to other people. When it happens to them, they find that the other Singaporeans do not care.

Singaporeans should read and understand the meaning behind this story, "First they came for the Socialists" ....


  1. Singaporean are selfish or kiasi or bochap. If they don't care for others why should others care for them? This is why the govt can rule knowing Singaporeans are ballless when it comes to taking risk for others. Why kaypoh?
    Mr.Tan is different....he champions others' cause without ulterior motives and expecting anyhting in return.

  2. Dear Mr Tan,
    Now you know why somebody called our National Pledge an "aspiration".

    We don't want any national non-political symbols serving as a rally point to unite Singaporeans.

  3. Let me speak up for Singaporeans. Singaporeans are not stupid. Like any pragmatic and analytical human beings, they count the cost of an action. What can they gain from a protest and is there another better way of registering that protest? In other words, we weigh the risks and benefits before we decide on a particular course of action. We are NOT dumb or reluctant to protest. Look, when we were dissatisfied with Ministerial pay over so many years, we register our protest in our own way and when our dissatisfaction is taken for granted, Singaporeans know their patience is tested to the limit and know when exactly to take action. Analyse the numbers closely. East Coast GRC was another close shave for PAP had Minister Lim Swee Say not been transferred there. Singaporeans know which MP really cares and working on the ground. They no longer accept any old or new candidate without scrutinizing and thinking. How else can you explain that a bunch of newbies nearly topple a team led by former PM. So we do not protest just for sake of protesting but if we are not happy and government chooses not to listen, Singaporeans know what to do and when to do it with high degree of efficacy.

    A young eagle just learning to catch its prey returned to its nest with a chick. The mother eagle asked if the hen protected the chick with a fight. The young eagle said yes and the mother eagle allowed the chick to be eaten. THe next day, the young eagle caught a little mouse and the mother eagle asked again if the mother mouse put up a fight. The young eagle said no, the mother mouse saw its young being captured and quietly sneaked away without a protest. The mother eagle was worried and instructed that the little mouse be unharmed and returned straight away. This left the young eagle puzzled. Mother eagle explained. The norm when one's young is captured is to protest and fight with gusto. When the hen fought and created a lot of noise, it has fought its best fight and lost with resignation.
    When the mother mouse silently sneaked away and looked back with vengence in its eyes, it knows exactly what action to take and what will hurt the aggressor.
    Mother eagle was right. The mice had already startd gnawing at the roots of the tree the eagles were nestling.

  4. Can protest but only in speaker corner otherwise go jjail direct omwho drew to go?

  5. Maybe there is already an unspoken protest taking place.

    Maybe that's why we have so many cock-ups in recent years. The working level people know, but just acting blur.

    Latest example being our annual once-in-50-year floods which is now in its 3rd consecutive year.

  6. Protest no use.

    Vote Opposition in GE 2016.
    And convince a friend to vote with you.

  7. Yes, protest is useless in Singapore.
    Only get the equally useless SPF to threaten you with arrest.
    Thumbs up for above comment, just vote in more opposition come 2016, and you would see the PAP really work for the people.
    Now, let them "howlian" for the next 4 half years, while we concentrate on work and the family.
