Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A successful shopping mall in Jakarta

Taman Angrek is a successful shopping maill in Jakarta. It has a large atrium and an indoor skating rink.


  1. It's very nice Mr Tan. Thank you for great dinner there...

  2. Is it near to any slum areas?

    I have visited some Asian cities and found that slums and shabby roadside stalls and makeshift structures exist near or even side by side of beautiful, modern commercial and residential buildings.

    Thankfully, this does not exist at all in Singapore.

  3. Dear ANON 11:01am

    Don't be too smug.

    In Singapore, we only have millionaire politicians fighting inflation by telling hawkers not to increase food prices .... after the politicians themselves received a pay increase.


    How many Gerard Ees does it take to change a light bulb?

    We don't know. But one may not be enough ... since we are still waiting.

  4. Heard one American said Singapore is over malled, the country is just one big shopping centre, selling practically the same things in each mall.
    Sounds like a sarcastic observation
    from a foreigner.
