Friday, October 14, 2011

Tribute to our teachers

What does a teacher really do? Here is a tribute to our teachers. 


  1. Dear Singaporeans
    If you truly agree with this tribute to teachers, then vote for politicians and political parties that promises to have a smaller teacher to student ratio;

    Instead of 1:40
    make it 1:20

    There is no point talking.

    You have to vote intelligently to make a change.
    "They" can't hear you.
    "They" only understand how many votes they got.
    Because that is how "they" get promoted within their own party.

  2. I am still in contact with some of my teachers and lecturers.

    I have fond memories with my primary school English and Maths teachers, as well as my economic and finance lecturers in my University days.

    Though never being the most outstanding student, they never fail to shower me with good guidance and knowledge.

    Thank You!

    Lip Wee

  3. Throughout my first 10 ten years of schooling, there are 4 teachers that made a great impact on my life.
    First, there was a primary school Chinese Language teacher,straight from China, which is in the throes of the Cultural Revolution fervour, who knocked me many times on the head for mispronouncing words, but instinctively aroused my interest and pride in my own Chinese heritage.
    In secondary school, there was a passionately dreamy Eurasian Arts teacher who instilled my interest in Paintings, looking at this Art from an artist eye. He might be teaching us drawing this minute, but the next, he might abruptly walked over to the piano and started tinkering the keys with a classical performance right in front of the students, and he formed my interest in classical music in my teenage years.
    Then there was an animated history teacher who was a great story teller and made the boring history lessons came to life, and she shaped my interest in Imperial China's and Asian histories.
    Last but not least, there was a passionate Literature teacher that made the Classics of Shakesphere, Charles Dickens and the great English Poets so lively that we would forget they were just novels and dreamy poems.
    Boy, what great dedicated teachers I had, who influenced my life and values so much, paying a tribute to all four is impossible now, guess all of them are 6 ft underground already.
    God bless their souls.
