Saturday, October 08, 2011

Unstable employment and fall in fertility

Lucky Tan wrote this article about the impact of unstable employment on the fertility rate. When people are unsure about their employment, they are reluctant to get married and start a family. In my view, the situation is worse in Singapore than in other countries, so we have one of the lowest birth rate in the world. This is a key reason why the measures taken by the Government to boost the birth rate during the past 25 years have failed to produce the desired results - as they do not address the underlying causes - the unstable employment and increasing cost of living. 


  1. I believe a successful marriage has to be built with love and a strong financial foundations.

    No point having lots of love but no money to set up a home. The marriage will not last.

    A house, baby expenses, education fund etc. all these cost a lot for a normal salaried worker.

  2. When you worry about your job being snatched away by foreigners, you dun want to get married or have children, just plain common sense.
    There are no more kampongs for us to balek, no job no money to pay bills or rent. Forced to look after oneself first, can't plant veggies or rear pigs, chickens and fish in apartments as a last resort.
    Who cares about repopulating the nation, just allow Govt to bring in foreigners, give them subsidies and carrots to stay and produce babies for us. But unfortunately we only attract prostitutes and peasants in large numbers to bully our true blue citizens, the brighter FTs are bypassing us to go West. Just look at the Biometric industry, the real talents are leaving in droves, leaving behind the mediocre ones, Govt very short sighted and impatient, they also apply the instant tree approach here, pushing for instant rewards from these world renowned researchers, and piss them off.

  3. The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay. Thanks so much for sharing these intelligent piece with us. It really helps me understand many things.
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