Saturday, October 01, 2011

A wonderful person

Here is a video of a wonderful person, Warren Buffet. He is a multi-billionaire but he thinks for the common people. And he continues to support Barack Obama, in spite of the difficulties that the US President had to overcome. And he is optimistic that the US economy is coming out of a recession. I hope that he is right!


  1. He is a patriot at heart. After meeting Obama, he bought BOA's preference shares, but ever the cautious investor, he dumped his BOA's ordinary shares instead. But still he supports this bank in his own way.
    He also wants Obama to tax him and the rest of the rich 5% of his countrymen, who holds most of the country's wealth, in his bid to help save America's economy.
    Extraordinary person, and we follow his beliefs that the best Equity market to invest in is America. But follow the grandmaster, lay off Citigroup. Dun follow our SWFs.
    There is a saying, whatever Temasek Holdings buys, sell, whatever Temasek sells, buy.

  2. He has donated a lot of money to the Bill Gates Foundation, which is helping the poor people in the world and is supporting good projects that will benefit the people of the world.

    I hope that he can convince Bill Gates to support Obama as well.

  3. I like the last sentence by yujuan.
    That was another way of putting Uniquely Singapore's Economic 101 : buy high, sell low.
    Yes, Mr Buffet (no matter how you pronounce it) is a man many would admire. Not for his investment foresight / wealth but his willingness to gave away billions and tell his govt to tax the super rich like himself !
