Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ask Mr. Tan

I have received question from readers of my blog on life insurance and financial planning. I usually ask them to read my books which are available from Often, the answers can be found in these books. In the future, I will ask them to make a donation of $200 to FISCA, before I look into their question.


  1. $200 for expert analysis is still much cheaper than paying salesman $3000 commission for lousy product that cannot adequately cover your dependants, and which will also take away 50% of your potential savings over the next 30 yrs.

  2. Listening to Mr. Tan's advice can save you thousands of dollars but why are you listening to the salesmen.
    You should get it sink into your brain.
    Salesmen make a living from earning the commission from the product sold to you. The product pays the salesmen and not you.
    Why do you need to be SOLD?
    The company made the product so complicated so that you don't understand and need to be explained by a salesman and be SOLD on the product. These products are usaully high commission products for the salesmen to push to comatose consumers and middle-aged women so that they can qualify for incentive trips and make the company #1.

  3. Yes Mr Tan i agree with you , let them know there is no free lunch..
    Ask them to donate and help others first before you grant your assistance!!!
