Saturday, November 05, 2011

Discrimination against Singaporeans

Dear Sir,
Kindly see the these links and read the content.

I think the MOM is not doing enough and I believe this time round many PMETs are waiting for someone to come out and help speak for us. Perhaps we need to bring out to the open those Foul Practises and FT HRs that are doing these bad things to Singaporean.

Please approach Gibert Goh who is organising this effort through his website:
More importantly, you should round up many people to support Gilbert Goh'S efforts, as he needs funding, resources and other kinds of help.


  1. I must say that Signgapore is now in a big mess, and that the PAP policies are falling down one after another. How sad. Read the remarks here:

  2. Mr Tan, you are not alone in your accessment about Singapore being in a BIG mess.

    Some of us saw it coming for a while already.

    I hate to say that we need this tsumani of breakdowns to wake up - both the Government & the "majority" of Singaporeans who had happily choose to believe the rosy self-praise that were dished out ever so frequently by our elected leaders and the Main Stream Media.

  3. The writing is already on the wall long ago.
    Employment agencies bribing HR managers to employ their foreign registered workers with kick backs under the table, or foreign HR managers hiring their own kind, by passing local citizens who are better qualified, IT Supply contractors serving GLCs having to train their foreign IT employees who are really not qualified to do the job, but are hired as they are cheaper, and etc. etc.
    Govt is aware but somehow just stand by as spectators. This is the kind of Govt the daft 60% of citizens are voting in, whose Ministers and MPs are only interested in checking their credited bank statements every month. Other Govts look after their own citizens, only our Govt is the only one in the world selling out the citizens to enrich themselves FIRST, and later try to do damage control to save their own skins and hold on to power.
    Woe betide the true blue Singaporeans.

  4. Just to add a few: Nowadays, our top political leaders' ways of contributing to the society/the country are to give their views on how do they see the present world and they travel around the world at the tax-payers' expenses to do that. The government servants provide us with services that their standards are left much to be desired. Many young graduates are facing big difficulties to find good/permanent jobs with strong competition from the FT. Buying a HDB flat remains a dream for many because of high property prices that beyond their reach. The old and sick are suffering from high costs of medical expenses. The lists go on.........! Singapore is on the decline as a nation and the people are at NO MOOD to integrate with sudden big flux of imported Foreign Talents in the recent years. Many of them(so-called FT) do not know how to behave properly and very inconsiderate(refuse to give up seats to the elderly and the pregnant ladies at public trains and buses and they often litter). Today's Singapore, as a result, is NO MORE a clean city which each and everyone of us, once used to be proud of.
