Wednesday, November 02, 2011

An endorsement of the FISCA Financial Planning Workshop

Dear Friends,

On the 29 October, I just attend a talk by Tan Kin Lian on the basics of financial planning & investment. I thought it is good and I just wanted to share. (It is the 2nd time I'm attending it since I wanted to make sure I understand some important concepts presented by TKL)

Just when we think we know enough to manage our own finances (especially for those with kids), please consider again. Especially your friendly insurance or property agents (who happens to be your relatives or good friends) offering you financial planning advice, it is when we lose the most money (unknowingly) . These agents are not liars, for most part, they are simply "honestly wrong". A simple question, what is the biggest risk for a young person from age 25 - 55 yrs old ? Please make time to attend TKL's talk and you will know the answer. The knowledge gained will save you loads of $$ in the long term.

This talk is not about some secret recipe to strike it rich overnight or coercing you to buy some software package to make big bucks in the stock market. Instead, it is to share with you the basics of financial planning (budgeting, debts, savings, what insurance policy to buy, how big of a property you can afford, retirement planning, etc..) which has NOT been properly taught to most people. I feel it is time to put it right.

About Tan Kin Lian and his FISCA club:

Tan Kin Lian is the former CEO of NTUC Income. Since stepping down as CEO in April 2007, his activities have included organising public rallies for people who lost their money due to investing in Lehman Brothers' Minibond products to seek redress, and setting up FISCA, an organisation to teach people about long-term financial security.

TKL is a sincere and knowledgeable gentleman who is well versed in insurance products and also overall financial planning due to his previous work. I have benefited much from his talk and reading his books.

His workshops (and books) are developed such that it is easily understood by the lay-person, I have both his books

(1) Practical guide on financial planning
(2) Get Value from your life insurance

Please also consider joining as a member for $36 per annum. FISCA is a non-profit org. and its objective is to improve financial literacy among Singaporeans. As a FISCA member, one get to attend useful talks at a discounted rate of $20/$15 compared to non-members $30.

This is taken from FISCA website:

"FiSCA is committed to being an unbiased, up-to-date financial site with quality articles and advice to help improve financial literacy among Singapore consumers. Being a non-profit driven organization, FiSCA does not solicit sponsorship from commercial companies such as banks, nor do we get revenue through online advertising. We aim to be considered an objective and knowledgeable third party in financial-related issues, in order to provide quality, un-biased information on financial education to the general public. "

TKL has a similar financial planning talk coming up on the 26th November (write up on the event is attached), if you are keen, I can sign you up at a discounted rate of $15 since I'm a FISCA member. (Note: I don't make any money by signing you up or writing all this, just wanted to share this useful talk with you)

Time and money spent on gaining financial literacy is properly the best investment you'll ever made in yourself.


  1. Mr Tan,

    Please cover more bread and butter issues affecting majority of Singaporeans.

    Nothing wrong with insurance and financial planning but these are low priorities.

    There are many more areas needing help by the majority to cope with daily life. I use to be a regular visitor to your blog but losing interest due to the range of topics. I use to be very impressed by your voicing out on a wide range of issues and even to the press.

    I hope you give my suggestion some thoughts. Your blog is in competition with some many sites and blogs, some radical changes is needed to remain relevant.

    Best wishes.

  2. @5:17 am
    For bread and butter issues, please approach your MP, PM or President TT. All the best.

  3. Insurance and investment are also bread and butter issues. If Mr. Tan can expose the insurance companies and their salesmen of unethical practices it will save you ten of thousands of dollars in useless insurance products. Eg. the insurance salesmen are disguising themselves as financial consultants to con you . Some even have senior or executive prefixes to the titles.Please understand these salesmen are obviously out to cheat you. Bearing these titles when they are not is cheating you people. They are not financial experts but salesmen cheats to fleece you of your hard earned money.
    Mr. Tan is educating you to avoid these cheats.
