Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FISCA Financial Planning Workshop - 26 Nov 2011

The next FISCA financial planning workshop is available for registration now at
The last workshop was well received. Here are two feedbacks:
Ong:  I think the seminar is very relevant especially for young people who have recently joined the job market. It can really help make good investment decisions and avoid pitfalls that could ruin people's lives. The talks on Financial Planning today were both interesting and enlightening. Mr Tan Kin Lian's delivery is frank and very helpful, especially in understanding financial planning and  insurance policies. Kindly keep me inform of his future talks.
Najmi: Thank you for such an informative session earlier. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot from you and Mr Ling today.  
One participant sent an e-mail to all his friends to recommend that they attend the workshop.


  1. Arrgh! I'm sorry that I didn't know about this event, or I would have attended for sure!

    Is there a site or news source that will keep me updated about the next one?

  2. I gave a 1 hour talk at a school this morning. The teachers asked many questions that cannot be answered within the allotted time. I asked them to register for this 6 hour workshop.
    I also encourage the public to attend this talk. It is not fair for them to send questions to me, when they do not make an effort to learn about these important matters by attending the talks.
