Monday, November 07, 2011

Reduce cost through contract employees

Government employees are now being put on contract at half of the usual wages in the USA. The government has to take this measure to cut the budget deficit, because they are not able to collect sufficient taxes to pay the employees adequately. In other places, these measures are taken to reduce cost, but it is a form of exploitation of workers. The contract workers barely earn enough to pay their bills.


  1. At least they have minimum wage, and will get US$1.8K/mth for full time 40-hr work week. Any income below that is defined as below the poverty line by US govt.

  2. Half a bowl of rice is better than an empty bowl, at least till the economy recovers. Maybe another Japan in the making.

  3. Talk about the US economic recovery is all hype and speculation right now. Obama is good in that department.

    The USA predicament is another Japan in the making. No doubt about that. The jobs will not return for the Americans and that is for sure. Companies are not hiring and the US Government itself cannot create most of the jobs to absorb the unemployed, that is another certainty. With piling debts, shedding government jobs is more likely for them.

    The Americans are so used to their wasteful lifestyle unlike the frugal Japanese, so adjustment is far more difficult and living on half a bowl of rice is a pain for most.

    Well, that is back to reality for them, until the jobless recovery comes around, as they have been expecting. A comforting thought?
