Saturday, November 12, 2011

Role of government in regulation

I read this interesting story about the problems faced by the regulators on regulating neutrality on the Internet

It is clear that there is a need for a neutral party, i.e. the regulator, to set the rules to ensure a level playing field for all the parties, and for consumers to have access to unbiased information. But the big businesses are challenging the role of the regulators, using their lobbyists and lawyers and will bring the matter up to the Federal Courts.

America has clearly gone too far down the road in letting the businesses have their way. Their economy is collapsing, and is now being propped up by massive debts. It is likely to lead to dire consequences.

The US government has failed to govern. I am worried that Singapore may be in a similar situation.


  1. How to ensure that excutive, legislative and judicial branches of a democartic country operate in independent and transparent manners? In a country which has one dominant political party, very often the exscutive branch has overwhelming influence on the other 2 branches.

  2. @ ANON 8.59am

    In a democracy, you as a voter, created this problem that you just hi-lited.

  3. The big FIs and MNCs will lobby for less regulation, just like what happened in the US. As for the PAP govt under LHL it is very clear where its position stands.
