Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Scam - Delivery of Gifts

This is a new scam in Singapore, involving delivery of gifts.


  1. Mr Tan, this is old hoax, chain email.


    Another classic example on the convenience of just click and forward and think that one has discharge their moral duty of informing others.

    Remember, Read, Research, Rationalise than React.

  2. Let's be frank, if you receive a free gift with no knowledge of the sender, and you agree to accept it, is Greed at play, right.
    And you agree to offer your credit cards details to a stranger at your door, it's foolishness at play, right.
    It's the same with someone calling your number and say you've won something, and the caller require you to wire him a fee as admin charges. Greed is the cause for being cheated.

  3. Fpos? North Shore. This is in Australia is it? Singapore no Fpos or North Shore leh.

  4. To be clear, it is not a hoax per se: it actually happened but this was in Australia in 2008. The technology exists for a copycat if someone is so bold.


    Snopes & Hoax-Slayer are your friends.
