Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Singapore's crime rate

Lucky Tan asked:

Singapore has the highest prison population per capita after USA among developed countries. We have the 2nd highest rate of incarceration in South East Asia. Our rate of imprisonment is triple that of Malaysia. There is this poster that the SPF put up around housing estates that says "Low Crime Rate Does not mean no crime". If our crime rate is low, why are there so many people imprisoned? The USA has a large prison population because the crime rate is high.


  1. Pardon my side track on the issue of Prison & the Law.
    Have anyone question the up-coming decision to re-introduce "un-marked Police cars" ?

    A very visible presence of the TP or regular SPF would reduce the mad/inconsiderate driving/riding habits
    Unless, the aim was to increase revenue through fines.
    My cynical view is that it was meant to protect the well-connected quilty ones ! Or maybe, it was another scheme to reward the more senior Men-in-Blue who get to drive these "company cars" 24/7. No ?

  2. Since the casinos came on shore, crime rate has gone up considerably.
    The SPF is trying to hide Statistics, and when caught with pants down, would blame on computer glitch or something convenient.
