Monday, December 12, 2011

Customer service - the Singapore way

I received this letter from the management company of my condominium. It reminded me that my payment was overdue and interest rate would be charged to me.

The letter provided a telephone number that I could call. I have called office before on their telephone number, and faced the following experience frequently:

  • The line was busy
  • Nobody pick up the call
  • The person who pick up the call does not handle the work and has to look for another colleague 
  • They usually don't call back
I searched the letter for an e-mail address (such as but most companies do not have this simple facility. Their staff have individual e-mail but they do not have a company e-mail! I also looked for a fax number, and it was not provided.

It is easy for businesses to improve their customer service, by doing some simple things, such as the following:
  • Provide a company e-mail adderss (such as
  • Provide a fax number. They can sign up with Starbub Pfingo to get a virtual number and the fax will be sent their designated email address.
  • Answer their telephone calls, take a message and get someone to call back.
  • Put these simple contact details in their "Contact Us" page. (Most companies do not provide them!) 
I hope that businesses will do something to improve the quality of customer service in Singapore. It is easy to implement, and is not costly. The quality can improve tremendously.


  1. By making it difficult for the customer to feedback, the companies are indirectly telling the customer to give up in their attempt.

    By making it difficult for things to get through, they won't have to devote unnecessary resources into customer svc as customer svc are deemed as cost centre rather than revenue centre.

    Such is the short-sighted mindset prevalent in many companies.

  2. Agree. In many of the bills I receive, there is no tel number listed. Most other contact info (eg eml id, fax number, website address etc) are provided, BUT NOT tel number. I believe their cust service staff do not wish to engage in direct conversation, which often can solve a simple problem quickly.

    I also disagree with Scoot's CEO's remark that it will not be having a well-staffed customer service dept, just to save costs. It shows that Scoot just does not care a damn for customer satisfaction. In case of lousy service, pax has to just put up and shut up.
