Saturday, December 03, 2011

Excellent app on iPad (Go There)

I downloaded an excellent app on iPad called GoThere. It is easy to use and provide transport options by car, train, bus and driving. The app cost $2.99 and is excellent value. It is especially helpful if I have to take a bus or train, instead of driving. There is another app called "Show Nearby" which is free, and is also very good.


  1. Goggle map is good enough. It shows modes of transport like mrt, car, bus and leg ( walking ). Why pay when there is a free alternative?

  2. I have used Google Maps. It is useful. However, I find Go There to be much more convenient to use. The $2.99 is a small sum to pay.

    Singaporeans are reluctant to pay for good service - and that is why they have to pay dearly when they are cheated in financial products.

    We must cultivate the habit of paying a fair price for good products and service, so that people do not need to resort to cheating to make a living.
