Sunday, December 04, 2011

Kudos to Nanyang Polytechnic

Nanyang Polytechnic sent to me, by e-mail, two PDFs containing details of their student internship programme for 2012 and another PDF containing an application form. I printed the application form, completed it neatly within 10 minutes (as they only asked for essential information) and faxed it to them. I was not required to log into a website and fill up an online form - thank goodness!

This is the easiest form that I have to complete to a government agency, in this case a polytechnic. To reciprocate their kindness, I completed the form neatly in block letters. If I miss out any essential information, they can always reply to me by e-mail.

I wish to thank the management of Nanyang Polytechnic for being considerate to the public.

1 comment:

  1. Nanyang Polytechnic is adopting a simple approach, as explained in the book "The Story of Bright Town". They do not have to spend a lot of money to design an expensive portal (which actually makes life difficult for the public).

    I hope that their good example can be followed by educational institutions and other government agencies.
