Saturday, December 03, 2011

Market for expensive cars

My friend, who is a permanent resident, told me that Singapore is the largest market for expensive cars, such as the Lambourgini and the Ferrari. This is in spite of our small size. I asked me to send me the the statistics, as I do not recall seeing this report. Can anyone help to verify this?


  1. According to this report, the biggest market for Lambourgini are USA, Italy and China. So, my friend is probably wrong.

  2. It's very difficult to verify. However, if you think about it, and if the report is something specific like "Largest market of luxury cars by population or land size" I wouldn't be surprised if we were on top.

    I think the only other state that has the potential to beat us in that list is The Vatican and it's purely from a wealth standpoint because I don't think the bulletproof mobile the Pope cruises around was modified from a Porsche.
