Monday, December 12, 2011

Minimum wage in San Francisco City

America believe in the capitalist system. Yet, they have a decent minimum wage. Here are their reasons for a minimum wage. Singapore should follow and implement a minimum wage. The argument that this will drive away jobs does not hold water.

1 comment:

  1. Workers doing menial tasks for low wages are kept in perpetual poverty. With just enough to keep body and soul together, there is no spare for a rainy day, no means to get out of the poverty trap. Without a minimum wage, the bottom earners are deprived of an equitable share of the fruits of their labour. By refusing to implement a minimum wage, the government is complicit in the exploitation of its own citizens by not only local businesses, but also foreign companies big and small.

    Commenting on the “imbalance” in China on Australian Broadcasting program “The Biggest Domino,” Michael Pettis of the Peking University noted that “… ordinary households are subsidizing big corporations in China. If my wages are low, that takes income away from me, and gives income to whoever employs me.”

    Even though there is a minimum wage in China, it is too low to address the gaping income disparity. What is needed is a fair minimum. Here in Singapore, we do not have the bare minimum, let alone a fair one.
