Monday, December 05, 2011

Singapore Immigration Form

This is the immigration form that Singapore requires visitors to complete before they are allowed to enter into Singapore.

A lot of information asked in this form is available in the passport which are scanned before they are allowed in. Why impose on the visitors the hassle of writing the information on the immigration form?

I hope that the immigration authorities of the Asean countries will discuss and remove this requirement, which is out of date. We have to reduce the inconvenience and stress that are given to travellers.

1 comment:

  1. Probably the most stressful things are to find a working pen and a writing desk. These two things are rare commodities at immigration check-points if you can find them at all. If you are with yor kids, you have to fill up the forms for them. While you are concentrating on those forms, your kids might wonder away and the luggages are unattended.
