Thursday, December 08, 2011

Speaker's corner - protest against rising cost of living

Prabu Ramachandran is speaking at Speaker's corner on Saturday 2 pm to protest against the rising cost of living. He is asking for people to show up. More details can be found at:


  1. It's about time someone takes the initiative to put up such a long overdue protest.
    Bravo, this time I'm interested enough to join in.
    Lets make it 20,000 to 30,000 strong
    protest rally.

  2. Why some goods at Fairprice are selling higher than Value shops?

    Visit the Staff Canteen located at a right-hand corner of Arrival hall (T1), you will find 2 pricing from each vendor:

    - Staff price
    - Public pirce (higher than Staff price)

    I was ex-SIA staff and ex-NTUC Union members, I am now has to pay Public price.

    One single selling price regarless of staff or tourist.

    Both are capitalism, why peopple "eat" people in SG?

  4. The food price of Fairprice foodcourt located at KTPH is no cheaper and some are higher than shopping malls.

    What is the mission of co-op society?

    Why patient and family member have to suffer two times by having expensive meal at all public hospitals?

  5. A foodcourt next to Admiraty Station was running by the most prestige co-op society in Singapore for 10+ years. Is the
    co-op society selling cheaper than private food court?

  6. It's time to protest and do it vigorously. Our government has been impotent to check the rising cost of living in Singapore. In Malaysia, a standard packet(10pcs) of Taufu is selling at RM2.29 at NSK hypermarket in KL. In Singapore, three(3) pcs' pkt of the same, ShengSiong supermarket at Commonwealth Avenue is selling at S$1.00 - what a difference? Poor Singaporeans are really suffering!
