Saturday, January 14, 2012

The best way to invest your savings

Sensible tips from Tan Kin Lian
I have often been asked, “What is the best way to invest my savings?” This question becomes more urgent during the past year, when investors have seen an uncertain global economic environment – high unemployment and economic slowdown in the advanced countries and large government debts and the prospect of government default on these debts.

In this article, I give 12 tips on investing in different types of investments - shares, government bonds, gold, property and structured products.  And I also give some advice on what you can do to be educated to make the right decision for your own good. Do not rely on other people who may give you the wrong advice - for their personal gain or through their own ignorance. You have to give your e-mail address to read this tips.


  1. Ntuc salesmen advised or trying to sell the idea of investing or saving in their REACH product and revosave for retirement. I pity customers who got conned into belieiving these products will save for them. But I know the salesmen earn big commission from these products. Also another product, the ILP vivolink the salsemen claim it can also save for you.How? 20 years to break even when the salesmen recommend the wrong fund .. Isn't it worse than endowment?
    Remember salesmen are NOT retirement planners but commission planners. That is why they are called lovingly by their chief as sales champions


  2. NTUC salesmen where got conscience?
    Not only that they don't the competence.
