Sunday, January 01, 2012

Do we need more or less regulation?

Should we have more regulations or less regulations? It is not a matter of quantity but of quality. We need more of the necessary regulations and less of the unnecessary regulations. We need more regulation to stop people from cheating other people, but we need less regulation that make life difficult for people, without achieving any purpose. The trouble is ... our leaders do not know the difference! Do you agree?


  1. Yes, Mr Tan. I agree that we need more regulations. At the same time less or modify some of the ill-conceived ones !
    Most of the regulations / laws passed within the past decade appeared to be formulated with no real human touch. I dare say, hardly any top / mid level civil servants did any ground work themselves. Paper exercises can only look good - on paper !

  2. Certainly agree. Hope this is the "new normal" for Singapore.

    Not regulations for the sake of plain control but without taking responsibility.

    Controls should improve our daily lives and not make it difficult for the common people but "easy" for the Govt. It should also improve the lives of the common people over and above large profit-seeking entities.

    Support :- De Leviathan @ Sg
