Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Driving children to school

Here is another bad example of the lifestyle in Singapore.

Parents want to send their children to "good schools" and that require long travelling distances. The public transport is bad, so parents have to drive their children to school - wasting two hours of time and adding congestion on the road.

If we do not recognize the inefficiency in our system, our economic performance and quality of life must surely drop.

1 comment:

  1. I went to a "good" secondary school spending travelling time and money for 4 years and did badly for O level.

    I often can't get into crowded buses even my bus stop was very near the interchange, got late for school and got to do Corrective Work Order after school.

    On the other hand, my friend who stays near me, went to our neighbourhood school (5-10 mins walk for me) and did far better than me. (Our PSLE grades were about the same)

    His school was named as "bad" school but during his graduation year, the whole cohort made great improvement (academic). He did not turn into ah beng anyway (personality).

    I think it really depends on self discipline and ability and not just going to "good" school.

    Every year, there will be new students that make the school "bad" or "good" too and other factors.

    I think the parents and students should get more time to rest instead of travelling more to and fro.

    As for congestion, I think there won't be much different. If the parents do not drive their kids to school at 7, they will drive to work at 8.

    Either time the roads are packed, just that if more people don't drive at 7, then the students will be able to get to schools earlier without jams.

    And due to ego, many people just want to get cars even they may not really need it.

    It is quite impressive as some people could own a car yet they want to take public transport.
