Thursday, January 26, 2012

Investigation for corrupt practices

I wonder if Singaporeans are over-reacting to the corruption charges against the former SCDF and CNB chiefs. We have not got the details about the misdeeds that they are being investigated.

I read that this may involve a woman executive of an IT firm. If this is the main factor, I would not consider it to be a corrupt practice that merit the level of attention. I have read of similar cases involving top executives in America and even a former President of the United States. In those cases, there were dealt with by the media and public opinion and not a corruption agency.

Let us wait for the actual facts to surface, and not speculated on this matter - which might be unfair to the affected parties. This is one aspect of the culture in Singapore that should be changed.


  1. Why this case is dropped by the prosecutor without having to give its reason for doing so?? Is it because the accused has a certain background that renders him free from punishment for his criminal act??

    PLEASE give your views or comment, Mr Tan...

    20 Jan 2012
    SOURCE: The Straits Times

    A businessman who was initially charged for assaulting a woman at Jurong East MRT station was acquitted on Friday.

    Bradley Joseph Furness, 47, was charged after he allegedly grabbed 22-year-old student Tan Ching Hong in a headlock and pushed her to the floor in December 2010.

    The Australian who is a Singapore permanent resident, also faced two other charges for mischief and causing hurt. He was accused of elbowing a 45-year-old man in the face in March 2011.

    He was given a discharge amounting to an acquittal after the prosecution called for a withdrawal of all three charges. No reason was given by the prosecution for the withdrawal.

  2. Granted investigations are still ongoing, and it's too early to gossip, but it still comes as a surprise that corruption could take the form of Wine, Women and Song to this extent, in almost squeaky clean Singapore.
    So, pampered PAP Govt scholars are tempted by the flesh also. This is what piqued our interest, unlike the straight forward money corruption case of SLA. And PM Lee proudly proclaimed that to keep his men clean, have to pay them sky high remuneration during his Ministerial pay debate. So when they have money, too much money in fact, they are tempted by other human wants, like Wine, Women and Song.
    And this case is only allowed to be known after the hurried wrapping up of the controversial Debate.
    Awesome and great timing.

  3. I'm interested to know why the mass media did not make this public at the time of the arrest of these people. Isn't this an issue of public interest at work?

  4. People in high position should be held to a higher standard of behaviour and conduct. This is because their actions, behaviours and decisions affect the lives of the general public.

  5. It would have been easy for govt to avoid innuendos by simply coming out transparently with what is already known up to now AND also announce it as it happened and not hold back. The fact remains that it wasn't revealed by the govt itself but its hand was 'forced' by a Chinese 'scandal' tabloid. So the way it came out has naturally aroused/impacted people's negatively. And, given the recent high profile cases involving senior officers of the SLA, it is unreasonable to expect people not to speculate. The fact that the govt has subsequently announced that they have been dismissed with immediate effect can only lend weight to the publics discomforts and misgivings about what is happening to the upper echelons of our civil service.

    IMO, the grounds and circumstances are justifiable for public dissatisfaction.

  6. Its a red herring.

    Designed to test the temperature.
    Poor guys have to take the heat for the experiment while the boss goes to Davos for a swing with the rest of the rich & famous.

    Hope they join another party and contribute their skills where it will be appreciated.

  7. In my point of view, it is a simple investigation. CNB/SCDF chiefs went to bed with supplier and pass on information so that supplier has the advantage in the bidding. What happen if this investigation is release before or during the debate of Ministers' Salary review? The cut will be even deeper. So delay the annoucement of the investigation using reason like "we have to be thorough", "it is not a straight forward case"etc. PAP is a master of distraction. Now is a good time to inform the public of the investigation then having the public scrutinized what Ministers'achievements for the last nine months to be paid at least $74,000 a month....
