Monday, January 23, 2012

PM Lee speech for Lunar New Year

PM Lee encourages Singaporeans to have more babies. The comments from netizens are overwhelming negative. It is so sad that Singapore has now reached this negative state. PM Lee has a difficult time to reverse the situation. It has gone too far down the road.


  1. It is indeed sad that most Singaporeans are very negative in whatever the PM & his ministers care to express. They, the PAP need to reflect on this .
    I dare say that the so called 40% had been so pissed off, that it is going to take a lot of real progress / improvement to unite the country. Even some of the 60.5% are waking up to the dismal state of affairs in this once 'clean' & 'fine' land.
    Not too if there are ready statistics, but the new citizens seem to be lagging behind true blue Singaporeans in the procreation process and more worrying is the fact that they are already in their late 20's if not 30's. So very soon, they will be adding to the greying population.

  2. The pap cried wolves too many times. Now whatever they say will not be beleived unless pap does something radical to prove their sincerity .

  3. If I were PM Lee, I would have said the same thing too even though in reality I admit that things are not that favourable or even bad.

    As a leader, one must always sound positive, encouraging and optimistic despite whatever adverse conditions. More so on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

    But it is not the end of Singapore. Far from it. So there is still room for optimism.

  4. rex comments as follows,
    if i were the pm i would first of all stop wearing the all weather smile.
    the ubiquitious smile pasted on lhl smacks of hypocrisy, arrogance and sickens me to the core, whenever i see him speak. the smile betrays the fact that he is all and well whereas a lot of people are not so. it makes people unhappy just looking at him.

  5. If you lost someone's respect and trust, it will be nigh impossible to regain them. That's why the PAP brand name is in the mud. Their emotional bank account is near overdraft status. Too bad, hubris set in. The consequences naturally follow.

  6. Btw, the overwhelming ammount of negativity and sense of betrayal helps to explain why the true elite are not joining the PAP. If one truly desires to serve the country, one joins the "opposition". No need to be a yes-man in white and having to sacrifice while still having to take brickbats from an "unappreciative" populace. Without earning trust and respect, one cannot have moral authority. High pay cannot replace nor compensate this. That's why more talented people are flocking to the other parties and not the PAP.

    We stopped listening to what they say; we watch what they do. Incongrence in words and deeds reveal much about the man.

  7. they have been living in their ivory towers for too long, surrounded by incompetent yes men for too long, churning out policies that disadvantaged true blue singaporeans for too long and favouring foreigners far too much for too long and now some verbal cursory superficial wishes? Singaporeans are not as daft as before!

  8. PAP solution to Low Birthrate is to ask Singaporean to produce more and at the same time give $ incentive which is does not amount to much as the cost of raising a child is many times of that. Seeing my children struggle with school work and parents with cost of living, it is difficult to do what the PM's suggestion. It is difficult for one whose combined family income hit millions a year to understand we, the heartlanders, just cannot afford the high cost of raising too many children. To make things worst, the Govt policies of having lots of foreign imports depress wages and replaces jobs which is usually done by middle age people. What PM is doing is no different from 20 years ago except his salary goes up by quantum leap while the heartlanders remains flat. So you see, politicians only talk and with that, they are paid well by tax payers or rather they paid themselves very well.

  9. Good for PM Lee to remind our young to procreate, but guess it's too late now to reverse the trend.
    It's already ingrained into the psyche that career comes first, too expensive to have children, with the Insurance Companies bombarding the young couples you need at least a few hundred thousands to nurture and educate the child.
    It's already so difficult to couple our children, let alone talk about procreation.
    Dragon or snake years, it's falling on deaf ears.

  10. @ ANON: January 23, 2012 7:18 PM
    "As a leader, one must always sound positive, encouraging and optimistic despite whatever adverse conditions."

    There is a difference between being positive and being out-of-touch with reality.

    PAP can't even look after the living Singaporeans ... why ask for more babies that are yet to be born?

    When you have a baby, you have to hire a maid and pay the maid's levy. The maid's levy is a baby tax.

    If you don't want to hire a maid, one spouse has to stop working. And that's assuming that your pregnant wife is not yet already fired by her boss for being pregnant.

    And just how many of us can afford a "subsidized" HDB flat on ONE salary?
    And is that single salary secure enough for the entire 18 years needed to bring up a baby?

    And are all these brand new, very small HDB flats, big enough to accommodate a new baby and a new maid?

    Is the PAP government building enough new HDB flats to accommodate new families?

    To the architect of "TOTAL DEFENCE".

    I am completely disgusted with such irresponsible calls for more babies in Singapore.

  11. Im deeply disturbed by the fact that the PM only cares about the figures , the total no of population rather than how we true blue sporeans ( not fake FTS) are going to raise our kids given such higher and higher cost and depressed wages.

    they imported so many freaking FTS, compete with us for jobs, houses, and even schools. when i was in p and s chool, hardly see any foreigners, now when i passed by my old sec school, whole village of prc wearing uniform were talking in the bus stop. what is this ? i am worried that if i ever have a child, will the child grow up to resent me for bringing him to such a negative competitive env.
