Saturday, January 07, 2012

The President's Salary

The review committee under Gerard Ee has recommended that the salary of the President of Singapore be cut by 51% and the revised salary is about $1.5 million.

Several readers of my blog have commented that this cut matches the 50% that I promised to donate to charity during the campaign for the Presidential election. I wish to make this clarification.

I had expected the salary to be cut by 50% and my promise to donate 50% is on the reduced salary. This meant that I would be happy with a net salary of around $750,000 (which is still a lot of money). There is still the bonus that will be added to bring it up closer to $1 million.

Anyway, all of this is now water down the bridge .....


  1. PM Lee is one smart guy, it's much easier to make pay chops on the President and The Speaker of Parliament, the mainly decorative positions, than on his more important Executive Generals, the Ministers and the MPs, the latter more vital in Governance.
    It's a PR exercise for people to see.

  2. Arh ! Mr Tan, you were right about your EP campaign promise to donate half of what you expect the reduced President salary would be.

    Yes, it is also time to "move-on".
    Only problem is that we are now privy to previous out-of-this-world Bonuses dished out left-right-centre. With that knowledge at the back of our mind, some of us will wonder ......
