Sunday, January 08, 2012

Survey results - future elections in Singapore

30 people responded to the survey. Here are what they expect of the future elections in Singapore. The majority expect the President to be voted by the people. I personally think that this will be abolished and that the President will be elected by Parliament.


  1. But how can we have a President elected by Parliament?

    In the future, isn't there a danger of a rogue, self-serving government being elected to power by a sleeping electorate?
    And this rogue government then subsequently elects a crony President?
    And Singaporeans subsequently lose control over their CPF and reserves.

  2. I think the job scope of Minister need to change. Since we don't see them before or after election, so why bother drawing such high salary. To lower further, Ministers should leave the job of running Constituency to MPs. Ministers should focus on National issues and runs Ministries effectively and efficiently. I just don't see why Ministers should be paid so much when all the leg works are done by the highly paid civil servants.
