Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tax on the rich

I have high respect for Warren Buffet - not only for his skill in long term investing, but more importantly for his values and ethics. Warren Buffet said that the rich should pay more taxes and has pledged to donate this wealth to philanthropy (i.e. charity) on his death. He is among the few wealthy people that stood by Barack Obama in the difficult task of changing the governance of the US - a step that is not easy but has to be done. Read this article: 


  1. It's about culture and belief. People like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, they feel ashamed NOT to help the poor and the sick while accumulating wealth. But many 'RICH' in our society, they tend to believe all wealths accumulated are theirs because they work harder and behave smarter than others, they deserve to keep every single cent of them. To them, a big/widening income gap is something very normal - they prefer to credit the end results to their own abilities, lucks and the effects of globalisation.

    Both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are 'Gentlemen'. They behave differently.

  2. Has any of the richest Singaporeans mentioned in Forbes Magazine publicly stated like what Bills Gates or Warren Buffet stated on donating their wealth when they die?

    We shouldn't be surprised if there isn't any, when even the PAP govt does not believe in a welfare state of helping the poor. And yet they said increasing GST is to help the poor!

    You want help to get 3 meals a day in hawker centre, food court or restaurant?

  3. Wondering whether Vivian ever donate a single cent of his high Ministerial pay to charity at all.
    Anybody aware of?

  4. Lily Neo knows Vivian better than anyone else.
