Thursday, January 05, 2012

The voice of netizens

Hi Mr Tan;
This is really hot reporting today on Yahoo Sg. In less than 2 hrs, there are more than 600 comments posted.
The comments are very alarming, the voice and power of Netizens.

1 comment:

  1. "My function in life is not to be a politician in Parliament: it is to get something done."
    Bernadette Devlin
    1947), Irish politician and activist. The Price of My Soul, ch. 13 (1969).


    “When I made the decision to join politics in 2006, pay was not a key factor. Loss of privacy, public scrutiny on myself and my family and loss of personal time were,” Fu had said.

    She added that, “The disruption to my career was also an important consideration. I had some ground to believe that my family would not suffer a drastic change in the standard of living even though I experienced a drop in my income. So it is with this recent pay cut.”

    Senior Minister of State for Ministry of Environment and Water Resources Grace Fu

    Which politician is more likely to fight on and persist, even in defeat?

    Which politician is more likely to be crystal clear about what she intends to achieve in parliament?
