Wednesday, February 22, 2012

10 mins to complete a form?

I have to submit a return for an association to IRAS. The form stated that it takes 10 minutes to fill up. That is correct. But what IRAS did not realize is that it can take hours to understand what is really required and to gather the information that they asked for (which apparently includes information that is unnecessary or "just in case it is needed").

I had difficulty in getting the NRIC, date of appointment and contact number of the three office bearers. Why do they need this information?

I also have to breakdown the income of the association according to voting and non-voting members. We organize talks that are attended by members and the public. It is near impossible to carry out the breakdown. I decided to declare them as all from non-voting members, and would be willing to pay more tax - provided that IRAS does not bring me to jail for making a false declaration.

I also have to complete details of the dividend income according to various categories. Fortunately, my association did not have any such income.

There is a tendency for our government agencies to ask for more information than is really needed. They do not realize that it takes time to gather the information and adds to the operating cost.


  1. Just in case IRAS does not realize it, it took me more than 10 minutes to locate the form that was received a month ago. I was not able to complete it on the spot, I had to keep it aside and it got lost among my tons of papers!

  2. May I say that all of this form filling and time wasting for a small association with a net income of $1,300. No wonder, my treasurer resigned - she did not want to spend so much time to do the work.

  3. Imagine how much time can be saved by the public and by IRAS, if the Minster of Finance had declared ...
    all companies or associations with an annual revenue of less than $100,000 is exempted for paying tax or filing a income tax declaration.

    When the Government introduced GST, which already collected so much revenue from consumers and the small traders, they can afford to make this declaration, but they did not.

    We have a habit of adding layers and layers of administrative work that increases the operating cost significantly.

  4. Systems exist to serve the people, not to enslave them?

    But they want every cent. LOL.
