Saturday, February 25, 2012

$1.1 billion subsidy for bus operators

Alex Au has written an interesting article about the funding of 550 buses to be given to the two bus operators. I share his concerns, i.e. why should the tax payers be funding the profit-making enterprises? Perhaps they should be nationalized. See


  1. Alex Au used the word "chimera" to describe the two bus operators. I checked Wikipedia and found this explanation:

    A chimera is a single organism (usually an animal) that is composed of two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells that originated from different zygotes involved in sexual reproduction.

  2. Love what Alex wrote !
    I expect to hear & read robust debate when Parliament sits soon.
    Too many questions & loose ends.

    Why not just nationalise all these so-called Private -Public Service enterprises ?

    Or do the other extreme. Package a deal with some foreign company or two to buy over them. Create a Transport Market Authority ala EMA etc.... No ?

  3. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. The end result of staying in a comfort zone far too long.
