Saturday, February 18, 2012

Develop a positive outlook

A university lecturer invited a politician to give a talk to the class. After the talk, there was a lot of interactive discussion. The following day, the lecturer asked the students how they felt about the speaker. One after another pointed out the parts that they dislike. Nobody pointed out the parts that they liked.

The lecturer was surprised. Why are these students only pointing out the negative points, and not the positive points. The remarks do not reflect the tone of the discussions, which were generally positive and lively.

I told the lecturer that I had a similar observation. Somehow, our education system and environment breed the culture to be negative, to see what is wrong. The students probably thought that they are trying to point out shortcomings to be improved. They should learn to be more positive and less judgemental. If they look at what is right, the climate will be more invigorating.

I also observe this pattern in many comments in my blog. Some people think that they are being helpful by taking a negative approach. They are mistaken.

1 comment:

  1. America gainfully using their seniors.
