Saturday, February 04, 2012

Excellent speech by Dr. Toh Chin Chye

This is an excellent speech by Dr. Toh Chin Chye. He is a leader with conviction and can think on his own. A wonderful person.,

I agree with his views about Medisave. It is a wasteful scheme, and has contributed to depleting the retirement savings of CPF members. Medisave has been mis-used to increase the cost of health care and to enrich the doctors. If people like Dr.Toh had remain in power, Singapore would not have reached this sad state.


  1. The ever increasing directing of money from the other accounts to the medisave account in our CPF is making members angry, it's up to the Govt to divert our hard savings as they wish, without any respect whatsoever to the Account owners.
    The outpourings of sorrow, and accolades flowing to Toh Chin Chye, by the PAP leaders, is a typical example of "Xu Qing Jia Yi" or
    "Mao Ku Lao Shu" syndrome, practised by the PAP Govt.

  2. "If people like Dr.Toh had remain in power, Singapore would not have reached this sad state."

    Dr Toh could have resigned to register his stand.

    Lim Boon Heng could also have resigned. Instead of crying.
