Sunday, February 12, 2012

Facilities for the Elderly

We need a solution to provide facilities for the elderly. Alex Au writes about some ideas. They are worth reading.

How can we provide facilities for the elderly and meet the concerns of property owners regarding the negative impact on their property values? I will give some of my views later (remember, I like to think out-of-the box) but I encourage other people to share their views first.


  1. My view is that the HDB should build more rental flats. The senior citizen day care center and studio apartments can be located in these areas.

    People who rent flats will not be object to the location of these facilities, as they can move to live in other places, if they are disturbed by these facilities.

    There are good reasons for rental flats (as there are for owned flats). We need to have a mix of both.

  2. This selfish attitude displayed by some members of our society are cultivated by our Govt.
    It was former Health Minister Khaw who carelessly suggested once, we should send our elderly over to Johore Bahru old folks home, thus instilling in us these seniors are unwelcome to be seen near us.
    Maybe Govt should acquire some of the idle golf course lands of the rich to build day centres for our seniors, building some protection barriers to prevent these oldies from being hit by golf balls, at the same enjoying some greenery to rejuvenate sluggish minds.
    The pioneers of our economic progress deserve some respect and life enjoyment as a reward.
    After all, we dun need so many golf courses to cater to the rich.
    More morally upright to acquire golf course lands than other people's homes and business premises on the pretext of road widening and building expressways.

  3. Dear Mr Tan
    I'm writing to clarify an inaccuracy in your comment @ 8.10pm.

    Since HDB owns all the HDB flats in Singapore.
    HDB is really the landlord.
    And all HDB flat dwellers are really tenants.

    That is why HDB (and the government) can legally build elder care centres in HDB estaes over the objections of HDB "owners".

    Singaporeans need to read their HDB "title deeds".
    HDB owns their HDB flats.
    The $400K - $500K they paid was just for the right to stay in the flat.

    The real home owners are private property owners. Their children can inherit their property.

    HDB flat "owners" cannot pass on their flats to their children UNLESS the children meets HDB's "ownership" criteria.

    The shocking hard truth is that Singapore has one of the lowest home ownership rates in the world.

    Never have so many,
    Been blinded by so few,
    For so long.
    To paraphrase Winston Churchill.

  4. The elderly, the very young and all those in between should be able to live together.

    We are all family and we were young before and will grow old too.
    To have a child care centre or kindergarten on one end of the estate and an elderly care centre at the other will make living meaningful.

    Concerns about property prices is valid only if the property is in a purpose built area like Orchard road. This area is for the purpose of tourists and wealthy people who have money to spend on luxury housing.

    Down to earth areas like HDB and even Holland Road area is for living. Its for homes for people to live in. These should have the entire spectrum of life within view and hearing... its what makes us human.
