Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How doctors treat themselves

This article explains how doctors treat themselves for serious illness. If we follow the same steps of the doctors, we can avoid spending a lot of money spent on futile treatment.

This article is available for FISCA members only at www.fisca.sg (click on Information).

1 comment:

  1. Yes, especially many US specialists will not mindlessly pursue all kinds of treatments just to prevent dying. At most 1 or 2 rounds of treatment. If still no help, they will rather spend the remaining precious time with their family and close friends, to settle final affairs, while still in control of their minds. Rather than prolonging but totally lost control of your mind, full of pain, feeding tube down your nose, waste tubes from your abdomen collecting faeces and urine into a bag, zombified with 24 hrs morphine drip etc etc. And still die.
