Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Increase bus capacity - what is going on?

The Government is setting aside $1.1 billion in the budget to pay for 550 buses and the cost of operating them for 10 years. A news report suggested that they will be "persuading" the bus operators to increase their bus frequency and service levels.

I do not know why the Government is giving so much money to profit-making bus operators and still have to "persuade" them. It will also be difficult to regulate the fares, to reflect the funding given by the tax payers and achieve the "revenue neutral" approach stated in the news article.

The news article could be wrong but it could also be right. So far, there is no official announcement from the Government on how the money will be used. This type of communication, through leaked news reports had been adopted in the past to test the public reaction.

It is better for the Government to use the $1.1 billion budget to set up a bus network to complement the train and provide express services between the town centers. I will give more details of my suggestion in a separate posting.


  1. Govt rather subsidizes their own 2 golden geese, than to open the transport sector to private operators, who would compete directly head on with their own.
    Kiasu and kiasi selfishness at play.
    Lamentably, these subsidies are wrought out of taxpayers' pocket.
    Their lost-control kiasi fears over rides the people's interests any time.

  2. Govt is losing alot of credibility.

    Orginal framework doesn't work and now try to build onto a new transport framework.

    We now have super complex hybrid model unseen in the world, all to help grease senior level bonus who are all related

  3. More views discussed in this thread:

  4. You seem to think that your intellect is much more superior than the Govt who have very experience and knowlegable people who are in the business for many years.

    Do you have the kind of experience to talk and to give advice???

    It makes me want to phew reading your blog!

  5. @5:44 pm. You are a coward to hurl insults while remaining anonymous. If you do not like my blog, you do not have to read it.

  6. Kin lian, dont get worked up, with the current state of transport , any tom , dick and harry can run he show

  7. @8:44 pm. If you wish to address me by name, be polite to show your name also.
