Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Invest in ETF - the good and bad

Dear Mr Tan,
I know you are advising your blog readers to invest in ETF as it is safer and their returns are better than savings in banks over the long term.

I received the following message from OCBC Securities regarding probes on ETFs and failed trades.  I have not invested in any ETF yet and am not quite sure how the following mail will affect the investment in STI ETF.  Please advise if you have the time to spare.

The STI ETF (from SPDR and Nikko) are pure ETF with no leverage and no deriviatives. They are safe. Other ETFs are to be avoided (unless you are familiar with them).

Please attend the talk on "Investing in shares, REITS and ETF" conducted by FISCA. See (click on Events)

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