Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Morality and hypocrisy


  1. Dun kid ourselves and try to preach the moral ground. Just look at ourselves in the mirror, dare we say we are pristine angels at heart.
    Humans are weak in the flesh, greedy at heart, if you dare say you are not the above, then you are not human.
    If we are residents at Hougang, or even Aljunied, we would vote WP, never mind the Opposition MP is a womaniser or an inexperienced bumbling greenhorn on Parliament proceedings. Or even if the MP is a gunny guni man, we would still support him, simply we want more say in politics, being fed up with policies ramped down our throats, without any respect shown to voters whatsoever.
    Or simply, we want real change, not the Xu Qing Jia Yi kind.
    The approval for the 2 casinos onshore is a typical example of morality and hypocrisy stealthily concealed as integrated resorts for tourism, these casinos are a hot bed for loanshark, gambling and prostitution activities. And you call the PAP Govt upholding morality? On what moral ground do they have, they know they dun have, so have to resort to pushing out SPH journalists like Christine Lim and Chua Mui something to attack Yaw, it's called Jie Dao Sha Ren, using some one's knife to kill their enemy.

  2. Sometime last year, there was a powerful Malaysian Cabinet Minister who commented on the following:

    "He that had not sinned, let him cast the first stone."

    In response to the proposal that adulterers be stoned to death, he said: "I fear that there would not be enough stones left to construct our roads."

    In my view, we should not pass judgement on others is the correct approach. Let the parties involved have a chance to reconcile with God and their spouses.
