Friday, February 03, 2012

Online submission of CPF contribution

I just made my first online submission of CPF contribution for my employees. Previously, I send the CPF contribution by cheque.

It is not easy. I have to do the data entry personally, as I have to use my SingPass. My administration staff has to watch an online video to explain the process of making the submission, as it takes many steps and involve many webpages.

She also has to compile the details that need to be entered into the online form - including the company CPF ID, employee NRIC, date of birth, pay details, etc. I had previously registered my bank account (for payment by GIRO), so this tedious step was avoided.

After going through the many steps, with the guidance of my staff who had watched the online video, I managed to complete the submission. When I came to download the PDF, my laptop computer got hang. Fortunately, the submission was completed earlier.

It would have been much easier for me, if I was allowed to submit an Excel spreadsheet or even a signed PDF to CPF for their staff to do the data entry. Why force the director of a small company to spend time to do the data entry and go through the many complicated steps?

It should be easier for me next month, but I will probably forget the steps of the online process and have to refer to detailed operating instructions. This is how the online process makes life difficult for the small business and adds to the cost of doing business.

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