Thursday, February 23, 2012

Register identity before posting comments

TR Emeritus (or Temasek Review) is well known for hosting anonymous comments that are strongly anti-government. Recently, the editor received letters from lawyers acting for PM Lee Hsien Loong and chairman of Fraser & Neave Lee Hsien Yong concerning alleged defamatory remarks posted in their website.

The editor apologized and agreed to delete these comments from the website. But, it was a tiresome task as there were many comments posted, including new comments that were posted after the legal letters were received. The editor believed that the new posting were done mischievously to get the website into trouble.

There was a suggestion that the website may have to get commentators to register their identity before they are allowed to post comments.

The days of unrestrained and anonymous comments in websites and blogs may soon be over. If TR Emeritus gives in and adopts this registration process, other websites are likely to follow their approach.


  1. Way to go: "Speak with conviction, take full responsibility."

  2. I hope that, by now, many people should realize that some people, like Yaw Shin Leong, had to pay a heavy penalty because they do not have the power to defend themselves against allegations (whether true or false, justified or not).

    It is TR Emeritus that posted the first allegation against Yaw and this was fueled by the mainstream media.

    Now TR Emeritus has to remove even minor remarks that paled against the allegations made against Yaw.

    I do not wish to pass any judgment on the conduct of Yaw, regarding the specific allegations against him or his refusal to address the allegation.

    I only want to point out that other people had been the target of various kinds of allegations, but few had to pay the price that Yaw had to.

    We live in an unfair and unkind Singapore.
