Thursday, February 16, 2012

A sad outcome

I am saddened by the decision taken by the leaders of the Workers Party to expel Yaw Shin Leong from the party. I do understand the difficult and complex issue that the leaders had to deal with. I am sure that they have taken the decision in the best interest of their party and the future governance of Singapore.

Many people may not recognize the significance of this episode. It is already difficult for the  non-governing  political parties to find people to join their party. These party members will have to put in a lot of hard work, without any reward, and may have to face potential discrimination in the workplace or in the business community.  This is a big sacrifice that few people will want to shoulder.

I hope that the negative outcome of this episode will not discourage other people from stepping forward.

Many Singaporeans look on Yaw Shin Leong negatively, based on the rumors of his affairs and his refusal to answer them. I have already given my views on this matter and will not repeat them. We must not forget the  positive side - Yaw had put in 10 years of hard work in the grassroots of Hougang and had served his party loyally.

It is a sad trait of many Singaporeans to see the negative side and to overlook the positive side of a person. They are also ready to jump on the band wagon to bash someone who have personal or moral weakness, often forgetting that other people are guilty of similar transgressions,.but they are spared because these failings have not yet been highlighted in the media. Yet the same people who bash Yaw really yearn for an alternative to our current system of government.

I hope that there will be sufficient angels or saints to step forward to provide the leadership that is needed to ensure a better future for our country and children. I like to give best wishes to Yaw Shin Leong and his family as they face a new future ahead.


  1. I believe personally Mr. Yaw's colleagues would not mind he stays in the party.

    In reality Mr. Yaw will be a liability in election time. Their opponent will leave no stone unturned and he and his party will be shredded to pieces.

  2. THIS is a sensible article. I share your views.

  3. Like TKL, YSL has put in a lot of hard work on Singapore's political developments. But based purely on years of service, YSL has contributed more than TKL. They both have hardly received any significant financial rewards, not to mention that TKL lost his $48,000 EP deposit and has to spend large sums of money for politcal campaigning. These are indeed sacrifices, but they are also deliberate choices that Singaporean politicians have to make. In terms of moral transgressions, Singapore's voters also expect politicians to be aboveboard, transparent and accountable. To form a First-World Parliament, high standards in moral character, integrity and accountability amongst politicians must be upheld. Singaporeans certainly do not deserve a bunch of adulterers, womanisers, spouse-cheaters, con-men, liars, thiefs, etc as parliamentarians. This is not a "holier than thou" attitude, but a necessary one to secure Singapore's political future.

  4. We see this whole outcome differently.
    It's a brilliant move by WP in a carefully crafted political game.
    Dun wan to say too much at this juncture. The last joke would be on the PAP and SPH later.
    Just refer to the Chinese classics -
    Sunzi Bing Fa, then TKL would be able to find the answer. We just could not help giggling.

  5. The root of all these blaming stemmed from the main stream media too. They wanted to construct Singapore as a clean and unflawed society and do a marathon to tear down any opposition parties with a slightest tint of dirt. As our mainstream media is not independent and largely controlled by the government, LTK has no other choice, does he? However on the positive side, WP has set its tone ahead of PAP and expect no lesser standard from PAP in future. On this note, we should be glad the trust is a notch up from Singaporeans for WP.

  6. The Prime Minister is not in a hurry to hold a by-election, quoting "we had one recently".

    This is not a good reason. The Election department has people that can be mobilised to take care of the arrangements. It does not need to take the time of the Prime Minister.

    The people of Hougang deserve to be represented by an elected Member of Parliament. Any deliberate delay will be unfair to them and to their democratic rights.

  7. Please understand that it is an honour to serve, not the other way around.

    You feel that we have overlooked Mr Yaw's 10years of hardwork, clearly Mr Yaw has overlooked this as well. Otherwise, he would not have traded his hard work for the alleged rumours, thus resulting in his sacking.

    I am sure Hougang residents or any citizen will want a role model as their leader.

    Yes it is not easy to find saints and angels, but what will our society become if we allow our leaders to be tainted with such rumours? What kind of message are we sending to the society and our younger generation?

    If WP has decided to sack Mr Yaw, obviously it would have conducted its own checks and clearly Mr Yaw was not able to provide them with a satisfactory explanation.

    Mr Tan, asked yourself, will you partner Mr Yaw to run for office? I am sure you have second thoughts too.

    Clearly, you a man who proudly states honesty, fairness, courage, positive attitude and public service as your presidential campaign will know better that such character like Mr Yaw is not up to the mark.

  8. Mr Tan, if you cannot even allow the negative or opposing views to appear on your blog, how can you complain at no negative opinion is allowed on mainstream (last para, your post on 16/2 at 7.23am).

    Look at yourself first before finger pointing.

  9. Mr Tan,

    You've a right to your own views, but it seems you just don't understand the unhappiness over YSL's attitude.

    Disapproval over his alleged adultery, or alleged adultery with a married woman, is one thing.

    I seriously doubt that many of those who are angry got angry because they are expecting saints.

    They got angry because of how YSL chose to handle it - by being silent.

    If he had denied it, many would have just accepted his word for it. Case Closed, just like Alex Au vs Shanmugan.

    If he admitted it, many would still accepted that it should ultimately be resolved between himself and his wife.

    If he apologised for not living up to a certain level of integrity, many would forgive him and expect he will make amends.

    Even in our dealings with corporations, we don't expect perfection, but we do not tolerate shirking of responsibility or failure to do follow-up after a mistake.

    When Singapore banks lost investors money after Lehman brothers debacle, they owe it not only to their investors to do best effort for recovery, but also provide assurance to the public in general, not just their immediate investors.

    You had noted it in your letter that it was satisfactory that YSL resigned from WP's CEC.

    If this is indeed a private matter between YSL and his wife, YSL shouldn't have needed to resign from WP CEC at all - you should have said it was an injustice that YSL had resign from WP CEC in the first place.

  10. Whether PAP or WP leaders, all will fall into such temptations if not careful. Therefore, this whole episode of revelations is a timely reminder to our leaders (PAP or WP) to uphold moral values.

    To the general public, it is the same. At the moment of folly, one must be prepared to face judgment.

  11. Someone said that if YSL had admitted and apologized for his transgression, his political future would be intact. They quoted the example of President Clinton of the USA.

    I disagree.

    Americans have a tendency to be positive, generous and forgiving.

    Singaporeans tend to be more demanding and expect perfection. (someone used the word hypocrisy to describe the trait of Singaporeans).

    If YSL had admitted to the transgression, his political career is likely to be finished anyway in an unforgiving society.

    I hope that, in the future, more Singaporean can be positive and helpful in our outlook.

  12. Now that the WP had "sacked" YSL, I can give my take on this matter.
    1) While I agree with Mr Tan / Lucky Tan about the need to give Yaw space,
    2) I do believe that he should either come clean, apologies , get his wife's forgiveness, his Party's & most important his constituents's forgiveness,or deny the allegation openly,
    3) decide after accessing the feedback, whether he should tender his resignation from WP and hence his MP post or stay on to serve as best as he could .
    4) Sadly, there is one party in his mess that cannot and will not give him any room for manoeuvre : the other women who is MARRIED.

    So I am not too surprised that he chose to keep mumb, as # 4 is in-surmountable.

    But then again, if he is a man who has been found out, he should resign. As to how he is going to make peace with the other party/ family, I guess it will be up to his God / church ....

    Mr Tan is right that, being open / taking responsibilty in Singapore can be devastating. We, as a "City-State" or nation have not arrive as yet.

    The other positive outcome so far, is that the PAP is now forced to figure out how to stop a by-election. It is too risky for them as there are too many issues since the GE and it will be a precedent to hold a by election should a MP in a SMC vacate his seat.

    The PM might consider letting WP run the SMC without an MP with the MP allowance going to WP ! That will be the joke of the year, no less.

  13. -It is not wise to admit in public. The media will be more than happy if you do so. Just take a reference from Woods' or Neo's case. Worse still, the latter's press conference started normally but culminated in a dramatic end and generated even more publicity instead of gaining forgiveness and sympathy.

    -Looking from another perspective, if someone with the qualifications, capabilities and tenacity to excel, prefers to join an underdog, be it a football team,political party or other organisations with no promise of success and likelibood of failure, this, by itself, already speaks volumes.

  14. LTK said :- “Perhaps the PM should look at the sentiment (on the ground) and not drag too long for the by-election if he has a national agenda and wants to move on.”

    Is the national agenda LTK referring the same as the root cause requiring this by-election? No wonder PM Lee said, "there are many other issues on the national agenda right now"....LOL.
