Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Secret lives of Singaporeans


  1. Hmm, dun really understand what's the big fuss about infidelity or sex.
    Those people who kick up this issue about morality, well for all you know, are the very ones painting the cities of the world red.
    Or, they may be just blissfully unaware, or even if fully aware, choose to close one eye to what their other halves are doing behind their backs. So dun kid ourselves and act like the saintly wiseman. The more the MSM and the Govt try all means to ridicule Yaw, the more the attacked underdog he seems
    to us. We absolutely object he should quit his seat, as long as he services the Hougang ward well with sincerity. Who cares about his private life. It takes 2 hands to clap too, and it's not like he's bedding prostitutes.
    To err is human as ever, and to forgive divine. So we prefer he comes out to give us his story, apologise for the furor. The voters are not unforgiving for such a mundane thing as an everyday human weakness of the flesh. Obviously his attackers, both PAP politicians and pro PAP, would have a field day throwing stones into the well. But so what, it's no big deal either. We're not living in Victorian Times, or in early 19th century China, where adulteress have to be drowned in pig cages.
    A fallacy to think all politicians are saints behide the bedroom door.
    For all we know, this time it is the WP doing the wayang show this time. Yaw has accepted the resignation, the show continues....
    the ball is now thrown into the PM's court, another meter reading on PAP's standing in the electronate's eye, no wonder PM Lee is so furious.

  2. Continuing here.
    No by- election, Hougang voters would fume that the PM is following his father at punishing voters who vote opposition.
    No by- election, Singaporeans would continue to talk about this matter till 2016. PM would have to live with this irritation till 2016 too,
    and his hands are already full with national agencies to handle, now have to crack his head to "fix" WP in Hougang.
    A brilliant political move by WP and Yaw, as a cheating WP MP is already out of the way.
