Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Singapore among the world's most expensive cities

Hi Mr Tan,
Not sure if you have come across this article. Although it's not much better in some NZ and Australian cities, the rise in Singapore is quite notable.


At least, in Australia and NZ, there is a minimum wage and the lower income are paid much more than those in Singapore.


  1. everyone has his/her dreams or expectation. every place also has its own charm and misery. it is not as simple as i just move to a place where i can get better pay and at the same time own your house. for me , i am more realistic, live within your means. of course , it is perfectly ok for us to always look for better wages and better living condition. however, things does not happen overnight; it take times . soem can be century to what make china today. even , they do have many problems today. just be happy and healthy, u are already wealthy.

  2. Minimum wage is so overrated. Try living on the minimum wage in Sydney and see how far that gets you.

  3. Singapore household income is S$84000 a year but the people on the street do not feel they make that much.

    Maybe Singaporean save too much for medical expenses and children education.

  4. There is a difference between "high cost" and "expensive"

    The article said that Singapore is 42% more expensive than New York. But does that mean that Singapore's quality of life is 42% better than New York? Hmm..

    I don't mind paying a bit more for Swiss (Zurich) standard of living. It is higher cost but as its standard of living is much higher, it has better value for money hence it is "cheaper".

  5. it is not easy to compare the standard of living from country to country. eg. u need to take the population , the availability of housing, medical cost , food sources, weather government can and ever to meet the expection of each and everyone. i still believe that if u live within your mean and continue to work hard and be careful with your expenses. u can live happily whereever u are. eg. some people live in hdb and drive expensive cars ; and some go for holiday every year ; some save so much to buy private property. so, how to measure the standard of living. and when u are not doing well, not many of them can do better either. the only hope is to strike toto ($0.50), 4 d or big sweep ,right. just like the euro million draw. we are no different from the rest of the world. good luck .

  6. Anonymous said: "Minimum wage is so overrated. Try living on the minimum wage in Sydney and see how far that gets you."

    It's an incredibly insensitive comment. I've never seen an Australian working full time who can't afford to have a beer on a friday afternoon.

    In Singapore there are people who work seven days a week and get paid under $1000/month. With no OH&S, no sick pay, no opportunities for career advancement or further education, no job security and DEFINITELY no holidays.

    Minimum wage in Australia gets you so, so, so much further that it's not even worth comparing.
