Friday, February 24, 2012

TABS report for 23 Feb 2012

1982 customers and 121 taxi drivers have registered into TABS (taxi automated booking service).
To book taxi, use the browser of your mobile phone and go to
For taxi driver, download a app from Apple App Store - look for TABS.

I saw a customer submit a test request with the name "A Tester: please ignore it". This is a good way of testing the system and allows the taxi driver to ignore the message. 


  1. hi, mr tan,

    i quite like your TABs application.

    regarding your $15 monthly subscription fees. i can't help but to think that the way you do business is like those telco conglomerate. they imposed subscription on consumers then ask you to add-on other services for another amount. maybe you can deduct 20 to 50 cents from each successful booking instead. in the long run, you will stand to gain - think again why this is so.

  2. Hi Green Sky
    Thank you for your suggestion. My problem is getting the Telco to agree to make the deduction. They are not helpful. Quite sad.

    I can also charge a fee per successful booking for the taxi driver, but this will create another problem. It is a culture to be quite petty.

    That is why, most services ask for monthly subscription.

    If you wish to discuss with me, come to my office at 24 sin ming lane #02-107 for a chat. Or call me at 66599611.

  3. thanks for the invite, i will see how my schedule goes...

    have you ever thought about how taxi drivers are being exploited by the taxi companies. we are at the mercy of these "worst than loanshark" taxi companies. the daily rental is enough to kill us. and now we have to fork out another $15 per month to use your application and we do not know if we can get enough calls to justify that. then, another thing is your $1 booking, is appealing to the consumers but definitely not taxi drivers...i will take the call if minimum is set to $2, $1 seems like we are beggars...

    when you say that the telco companies are not helpful, may i know how did you approach them, did you go and see them personally or just phone call them?

    thanks for taking my views in a positive perception. cheers!

  4. @Green Sky. Now I know that you are a taxi driver!

    And when you come to my office and talk to me, you will realize why $15 a month is very small (compared to $3,000 to hire a taxi for a month!). Also, if TABS works well, you can collect 5 to 10 bookings a day and booking fee of $600 a month (so $15 is quite small).

    Of course, if TABS does not take off, then $15 is too much. So, we must be optimistic and must work to make TABS succeed.

  5. firstly, i have no qualms about you knowing that i am a taxi driver. i think i have helped you enough. the rest is up to you. most of us, taxi drivers are not ungrateful pple. we are not like those with corporate mentality. we will remember you if you help us. do us a favour, fight for us! and we in turn will return our gratitude...

  6. Greesky
    Please come to my office today, if you can make it. If not, come next wed, thur or friday. My office details can be found here:
