Friday, February 24, 2012

Threat of defamation lawsuits


  1. They can't go after Goggle, Wikileaks and Facebook, may as well vent their frustrations and anger on the locals as an alternative.
    At least they give them a chance to apologise, maybe this is considered the "new normal". So, still a speck of change in the Govt's attitude.
    Richard Wan asks for it, should anticipated the consequences after showing himself up, but at least he dun face threat of being sued till bankrupt, or chased out of the country.
    Maybe TKL could take up the cue, and send legal letters to those who post malicious comments on his character in this blog, if their identities could be traced.

  2. Hope that this is a simple ending to an equally simple story, only Richard Wan himself knows.

  3. @yuyuan. I do not wish to follow a bad example.

  4. Glad to note that TKL has chosen to set a good example for the nation to follow.

  5. Hi, friends
    There is no need for anyone to give personal, insulting or defamatory remarks - even if they disagree with me.

    There is also no need for them to make any judgement or challenge my views.

    They can ignore my views, if they disagree,or give their views - without being disrespectful.

    I allows views that disagree with me, so long as it does not contain any slur or personal attack or unwarranted judgement.
