Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Means testing for health care

Many people get the wrong impression that the higher income earners are not allowed to use the facilities of the subsidized B2 and C wards in hospitals. This is not correct. They can use the subsidized wards but enjoy a lower level of subsidy. Go to


  1. Means testing is another wasteful exercise in Singapore. It requires a lot of work to determine who is entitled to a higher or lower level of subsidy. It is also complicated. There is a tendency to create these wasteful activities that add to the total cost of living in Singapore. There is really no need to do means testing because the higher income earners already pay more income tax, so if they enjoy the same subsidy as the lower income earners, it should be acceptable.

  2. Came across an elderly poor couple, and the husband was hospitalized.
    The couple had no children, and none of their relatives, whether close or distant offered to disclose their related status and instead said they were friends or neighbours before.
    Everyone was worried they had to foot the medical and hospitalization costs.
    Finally, Alexandra Hospital,upon the social worker's advice, applied the use of the Medifund to settle the bill. The elderly man died 15 days later, and a Church took over to bury him, saving his relatives the burial costs too.
    There goes the means testing Scheme set up by the Govt. There is a loophole to be exploited.
    And the callous attitude of the man's relatives was so heart wrenching. But who could blame them.

  3. I totally agree with you.

    The current practice is too "commercialised". It seeks to discriminate and exclude certain segement of the population although they all pay taxes.

    I don't see it as refinement of tax policies, good governance. Neither is it "inclusive".

    I faced difficult situation having to answer questions from some foreigners such as :- E.g. The press etc praising your Govt for an "inclusive" budget this year. If you pay taxes, (which is incrementally progressive) shouldn't all enjoy the same benefits? What is an "exclusive" budget then?
